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Podcasts & Streaming

  • Earth Wise : Eco-friendly business practices, the latest environmental news, and how nature impacts our environment in ways never before considered (website)

  • Univ. of California Climate Lab YouTube videos:

     Vox Climate Change videos are worth a watch; fun,          well-done and informative, these brief videos make          difficult ideas accessible!

  • On the Media, great podcast about transit:

     "Whose Streets?"

  • Climate 1, "...convening people, connecting ideas, and inspiring new approaches..." when talking about climate change (from website)

Radio Shows

Living on Earth  is Public Radio International's environmental news magazine--and a good listen!

news sources!

Carolina Public Press "...independent nonprofit news organization dedicated to nonpartisan, in-depth and investigative news built upon the facts and context North Carolinians need to know..."

Good Books

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate     

by Naomi Klein

"...explanation of why the climate crisis challenges us to abandon the core “free market” ideology of our time, restructure the global economy, and remake our political systems."  (from website)

Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change

by Nathaniel Rich

"...a work of history, addressing the 10-year period from 1979 to 1989: the decisive decade when humankind first came to a broad understanding of the causes and dangers of climate change." (from NYT)

The Overstory

by Richard Powers

“A rousing, full-throated hymn to Nature’s grandeur.” —Dan Cryer, San Francisco Chronicle

On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal

by Naomi Klein

"#1 international and New York Times bestselling author Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine and This Changes Everything, makes the case for a Green New Deal—explaining how bold climate action can be a blueprint for a just and thriving society." (Amazon)

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

by Elizabeth Kolbert

"She shows that the sixth extinction is likely to be mankind's most lasting legacy, compelling us to rethink the fundamental question of what it means to be human." (Amazon)

Inconspicuous Consumption: The Environmental Impact You Don't Know You Have

by Tatiana Schlossberg

"While the research in this book was super interesting, the author’s awkward sense of humor was not." (from Goodreads review)  Information about the true costs of our lifestyle choices

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